Friday, 19 October 2012

Great Golfing Morning

On Friday the 19th of October, outside on the wet but warm morning we all competed in an inter house golf tournament. There was 4 games to play and we enjoyed them all. Everyone had a great golfing morning.

Inter-House Golf

On Friday the 19th of October 2012 our P.E teacher Mr.Moon taught us how to play golf in a tournament.The tournament involved four different challenges abount golf and we are still waiting for the results.There was five pupils of each house group on every challenge.Everybody enjoyed the golf tournament. We are eager to see the results.
by Peter and Josh M

Tuesday, 2 October 2012

The person ... that came to the school

On  a sunny  TUESDAY a zoo woman came in to the school and told us about different animals and bugs and wacko animals . Afer a story she told us some more about seriously freaky animals she got out a corn snake which was so cool . She  showed us a few more animals .

 and  Jack.A

Tuesday, 11 September 2012

bosworth battlefied

On Monday 3 September Class 4 visited Bosworth Battlefied.The first activity was with Mick the Fletcher and some of us got to hold some spears. The second activity was with a lady called Christina. She talked about Heraldry. My best bit was when we went to the museum. After the museum we did a walk.

OB & JI 

bosworth battfield

At bosworth it was very good, the best was the museum. We had  three pound's to spend.  We ate outside in the hot weather. When I got back mum said" good day" I said " yes."

So now you know how good day I had.   by Lucas Hall 

Monday, 10 September 2012

Our adventures from the battle field

On the 3rd of September class 4 went on a historical trip to Bosworth center. We had an exciting talk with Mick the flechter. Mick the flechter showed us a war bill drill on a freezing floor.IC EH

bosworth battlefield

 It was a very interesting day. The best thing was the musem.  We learnd about the tudors, and more about  Richad lll. He was very interesting.     LH JB