Tuesday, 17 September 2013

Yesterday it was Monday 16 th .   we did maths and we 

Monday, 16 September 2013

Football club

Now we have a football club at our school it is really good , we do it on Monday  and Friday we are entering  a school cup. We have really good players so we might have a chance  of winning you need shinpads and football boots and we are getting some new shirts with our logo on it next we try to win by Jamie burns :-)

Inspiration day

On class 4's inspiration day we were doing world war 2. First we did paper planes. After we went outside and did a role play about world war 2. Germany used bean bags, and Poland used sponge balls and finally England use normal balls. When we came back in we painted a silhouette and read a book.

By Grace Betts


On Wednesday we are going to Beamanor to learn about WWII which is our project for this half term .


At lunch time (Mondays + Fridays) class4 play football and I was a captain of my team.
You will need:
Shin pads
T-shirt s
At school we are going to a place callled beaumanor and I am going to dress up as an evacuee in WWII :-D  for lunch I am having plain bread with an apple. Come back for what happened there B-)